Suit of Pentacles Keyword Flashcards

Our Suit of Pentacles Minor Arcana Flashcards are an easy way to learn how to read Tarot like a professional Tarot reader! Want to discover more in-depth meanings? Simply click the flashcard to go to the full meanings:

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Two of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Three of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Four of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Five of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Six of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Seven of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Eight of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Nine of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Ten of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Page of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Knight of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
Queen of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.
King of Pentacles Tarot Flashcard showing the best keyword meanings for the upright & reversed card, free online Minor Arcana flashcards, made by professional psychic Tarot reader, The Tarot Guide, the easy way to learn how to accurately read Tarot.